Package AccessGrid :: Package hosting :: Package SOAPpy :: Module Server :: Class _Server
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Class _Server

Known Subclasses:
InsecureServer, SecureServer

The server base class provides all the functionality required for a SOAP server based upon the SOAPpy module.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, addr, server)
  FindObject(self, obj)
A lookup method to find the interface the SOAP Server is exposing for a given implementation object.
  FindObjectForPath(self, path)
Return the interface object located at the path specified.
  FindObjectForURL(self, url)
Return the interface object located at the endpoint specified by the URL.
  FindPathForObject(self, obj)
Retrieve the path that represents the web service endpoint for the specified object.
  FindURLForObject(self, obj)
Retrieve the url that represents the web service endpoint for the specified object.
Return the port on which this server is listening.
Return the base URL that represents this server.
This is simply an accessor that returns the value of the running flag.
  RegisterObject(self, obj, namespace, path)
This method is used to register an object with the server.
Run the server.
Start the server in a new thread.
Stops the server if it is running.
  UnregisterObject(self, obj, namespace, path)
This method removes a object from the server, making it unavailable.

Method Details

__init__(self, addr, server)

addr - the address for the server to listen on
           (type=(host, port) tuple)
server - the server object to use
           (type=one of ThreadingGSISOAPServer or ThreadingSOAPServer)

FindObject(self, obj)

A lookup method to find the interface the SOAP Server is exposing for a given implementation object.
obj - an object to find the interface for
           (type=a python object)
a tuple (url, interface object) or (None, None)

FindObjectForPath(self, path)

Return the interface object located at the path specified. The path is a sub-part of the URL.
path - the path to the object
the itnerface object or None

FindObjectForURL(self, url)

Return the interface object located at the endpoint specified by the URL.
url - the url of the object to look for
the interface object or None

FindPathForObject(self, obj)

Retrieve the path that represents the web service endpoint for the specified object.
obj - the object to find the URL of
           (type=a python object)
the path or None

FindURLForObject(self, obj)

Retrieve the url that represents the web service endpoint for the specified object.
obj - the object to find the URL of
           (type=a python object)
the url or None


Return the port on which this server is listening.
the port number


Return the base URL that represents this server.
the url of the server


This is simply an accessor that returns the value of the running flag.
a flag that indicates if the server is running.

RegisterObject(self, obj, namespace='', path='')

This method is used to register an object with the server.

We wrap this call to provide handy lookup access so we can find objects when we need them.


Run the server.

This method runs the server (that is, causes it to listen for and process incoming messages) in the current thread. It does not return.


Start the server in a new thread.

This method causes the server to begin listening for and processing incoming messages in a new message-handling thread. It returns immediately.


Stops the server if it is running.

UnregisterObject(self, obj, namespace='', path='')

This method removes a object from the server, making it unavailable.

Again, a wrapper to provide custom bookkeeping, then use SOAPpy directly underneath.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Thu Apr 14 16:39:28 2005